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Fanuc Position Error - Alarm 410 on X Y Z axis

 Fanuc Position Error - Alarm 410 on X Y Z axis

Bad encoder, Bad encoder cable, Motor, SD3 –SD1 (AC motor), Bad CPU7 board; these are a one of them cause position error.

DC3IO-DC motor

D3-AC motor

Each Servo Motor has two cables, one is for power and one is for encoder cable. If X axis has alarm “410 position error “ that mean motor, encoder, cable or servo drive bad.

Now, try to move all 3 axes X, Y and Z to middle of the travel then turn off power.

Open electrical box, at SD3 or DC3IO, remove X 's power cable and encoder 's cable connect to Y axis, and remove Y cable power and encoder connect to X axis.

Turn on the power.

We jog X, the table moves front and back. Jogging Y , the table moves left and right.
If Y axis has alarm “410 Y position error”, that means X motor, encoder or X cable is not good. You can change another motor to X motor and try again. You will find out the motor or cable is bad.
If X axis has alarm” 410 X position error” replace CPU7 or SD3 for Ac motor or Dc3io for DC motor.

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