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ppr fittings-NF-4011-Newsun Industry Co., Ltd
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GSK980TDi CNC Controller G Codes

 The GSK980TDi CNC controller is commonly used for turning machines. Below is a list of standard G-codes for the GSK980TDi and their meanings. Note that the exact functionality may vary depending on the machine’s setup and parameter configuration.

Standard G-Codes for GSK980TDi
Basic Motion
G-Code    Description
G00    Rapid positioning
G01    Linear interpolation (feed motion)
G02    Circular interpolation (clockwise)
G03    Circular interpolation (counterclockwise)
G04    Dwell (pause for a specified time)

Plane Selection
G-Code    Description
G17    Select XY plane
G18    Select XZ plane (default)
G19    Select YZ plane

Tool Functions
G-Code    Description
G96    Constant surface speed control (CSS)
G97    Cancel constant surface speed (fixed RPM)
G99    Return to the initial point (after canned cycle)

Canned Cycles
G-Code    Description
G90    Turning cycle (outer diameter)
G92    Thread cutting cycle
G94    Facing cycle

Positioning Modes
G-Code    Description
G90    Absolute positioning (default)
G91    Incremental positioning

G-Code    Description
G20    Programming in inches
G21    Programming in millimeters (default)
G40    Cancel tool radius compensation
G41    Tool radius compensation (left)
G42    Tool radius compensation (right)
G70    Finish machining cycle
G71    Rough turning cycle
G72    Facing cycle

G-Code    Description
G28    Return to machine zero
G50    Spindle speed limit
G76    Threading cycle

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