GSK980TDi CNC Controller Interface Description
● CN1: Power interface
● CN4, CN5: GSKLINK bus communication interface B, A, connected to servo unit and IO unit
● CN15: Analog spindle 1, 9-pin D-type pin socket, connected to analog spindle 1
● CN16: Analog spindle 2, 9-pin D-type pin socket, connected to analog spindle 2
● CN21: Encoder 1, 15-pin D-type pin socket, connected to spindle 1 encoder
● CN22: Encoder 2, 15-pin D-type pin socket, connected to spindle 2 encoder
● CN31: Manual pulse, 26-pin D-type pin socket, connected to manual pulse
● CN51: Communication, 9-pin D-type hole socket, connected to PC RS232 interface
● CN54: Ethernet interface, standard crystal head socket, connected to PC for data transmission
● CN61: Input, 44-pin D-type pin socket, connected to machine tool input
● CN62: Output, 44 D-type socket, connected to machine tool output
● CN66: spindle override input signal, 4-point input, connected to additional panel
● CN67: feed override input signal, 4-point input, connected to additional panel
● CN78: 4-point input/2-point output, 8-point terminal block socket, connected to machine tool input and output