GSK218MC-H and GE2000T-LA1 User: Hi, How do we calculate the electric gear ratio? On X we have Screw terminal gear 34Z, Motor terminal gear 18Z, Screw leading 8mm On Y we have Screw terminal gear 41Z, Motor terminal gear 20Z, Screw leading 8mm On Z we have Screw terminal gear 110Z, Motor terminal gear 20Z, Screw leading 8mm All with absolute encoder.
CNCmakers Support: For gear ratio setting please refer to page 202 of attached manual.
GSK218MC-H and GE2000T-LA1 User: The problem with the gear ratio is that we get to large value for the parameter [over 32767].
CNCmakers Support: Regarding the problem with the gear ratio is that we get to large value for the parameter [over 32767]. You can set 131072/8000 = 2048/125 to set this into the 218MC-H. Then set the gear ratio into the XYZ axis drivers. |