GSK25iM-H User: Dear CNCmakers
I would need your help; I have a GSK25iM-H with message limit of stroke by soft.
Alarm information: PV0131 Y Plus SOFT LIMIT
I could send maintenance manual of GSK25i
Thank you very much.
I hope your valuable help.
CNCmakers Support:
1- Enable parameter writing.
2- Change parameter 01080 LIMIT 1 + Y to 9999.00000
3- Coved from screw shaft Y up to reference tapping area.
4- Turned on machine and referenced all axes.
5- Change the parameter 01080 Y from 9999.0000 to its original value Y 29.0000
GSK25iM-H User:
Thank you very much for replying to my email.The machine is working ok